The focus changes from the water way, to the underground as we go DOWN THE WELL
I gather up all the steel bars from Fort Lookout and The Treehouse. I fashioned myself a set of armor because I did not know what was down the well. I secretly hoped for adventure. I hop down the well.
I knew the hop down would not be so bad, but I did not know what to expect down here. It could have just been a small hollow hole, just large enough to fit me. Once I looked around, I realized this was not the case. I could see from where I was that the hole did indeed lead at least a little further in.
It lead further in. I creeped forward, planting my torches ahead of me so I could see how this cave went. Soon I found that the cave does not lead flatly on the horizontal... I came to a cliff, and off the cliff was darkness.
I am not a fan of just digging strait downward and using ladders. So I decide to kind of spiral downward and around the hole, looking for more advantageous places to work my way downward. When I went around the top of this deep depression, I found that the cave DID continue horizontal as well.
I had a choice, and I chose to go down the hole. My adventurous spirit was soon rewarded, because in the dark I began to see a glitter.
Placing a few torches revealed the riches I had found
Large coal reserves, and the vital iron that I was very low on. I rarely go underground, so I rarely have steel to use for picks and other tools. This was a great discovery for me. Then, tucked in a corner of the iron, I spotted even shinier glittery.
Gold gold gold... I didn't know what I could use it for, but GOLD! It was new! It was shiny! It was rare! Its rarity probably played a part in my next decision. I looked over the edge after collecting my iron, coal and gold. I saw no bottom.
I made perhaps 3 meters of progress further down when I heard the rattle of a skeleton. Immediately my mind filled with fear... if I was hit just the right way with an arrow, I could fall down the hole and lose all I have, never knowing just how deep this place was. I got scared, and decided to head back out.
My first foray into the well did not end there though.
On my way back up, I remembered the cave continued past the hole. I decided if I died there, I would be able to get my stuff back easily. I so went around the hole and looked into the cavern. It was not long before I turned the corner and saw... daylight? Yes, there was daylight in this cave.
I continued into the daylight, wondering where I would emerge in the upper world. The answer was surprising.
I took advantage of this luck, and I returned home to the Tower to put up my new riches. That night I would steel my nerves, and prepare to return, and go further DOWN THE WELL!
Next up is Season 3 Minecraft: Styxx
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