In my last adventure I had actually found some gold! At the time there was nothing useful or practical to make with such a rare commodity, but in the Boo update they added this!
This my friends is a watch! If you have not made one, or you think gold might be too precious to waste on something like this, I say you are WRONG! I had my doubts, but now that I have it, I love it. It is a simple circle where 1 half is black for night, and one half is blue for day. The best part is that if you're waiting on one or the other, you have a good estimate on the time left... in case you weren't watching the clocks in real life.
I figured while I was at it, I would make one of these as well, a Compass that always points to your spawn point. Your spawn point is where you go when you die. By sheer luck my spawn point right outside the utility shack near Fort Lookout. So I did not think I would want this... I don't make mile high towers or beacons to help me navigate, I like that I can get lost. I may find another function for it later though, so I feel good having one.
You may have also noticed a richer green in the grass in my latest photos. The Boo update added "Biomes" to the game, and one of those changes is that grass is many different shades of green depending on the climate of the area. I can now find things like tropical rain forests, deserts, tundra and iced over blizzard terrain. I plan on exploring soon and seeing what I find.
Speaking of terrain, I worked a bit more on my river. Its kinda boring to talk about, so I'll spare you and just show you 3 progress images. The last image is of "cane" or "papyrus" that I started growing. From 3 little reeds near Fort Lookout, I eventually grow a nice size stretch of the stuff... use for it revealed later.
Another weird addition in the Boo update is a parallel world called "The Nether". Seeing as I do not yet have any diamond, I can not really get to this new dimension of horror yet. In an update much much later, I am sure I will, but we're talking a long long time.
Something I will show you is this!
The fishing poles have been updated to work! And now there is a fishing game! Fishing is mainly for food at the moment. The line and hook is a physical thing you throw out and it sticks to something or drifts in the water. When it is in the water, it might bob and jump under the water. You click to pull it in and you might have caught yourself a fish!
Another fun thing you can do is catch creatures by throwing it out and hooking them. You can also tug them toward you. This sets up some fun stuff for the deviant minded of us to do. Like... make a pit full of fire.
Good fun.
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