If you remember from the first episode I saw the mountain and made a plan for the cave area. The gathering of wood was because I decided to NOT make it from stone. The exploration that nearly killed me was because I was scouting the housing location. The underground river area was refined so I could get to the back of the mountain easier. So here we go, lets define the area again:
So I realize now I never showed the raw cave really before. The cave was already in very good shape, there were a couple of holes, but I filled those in so I would not hurt my ankle walking through. On the left of the picture you can see the "back" area that I made in Episode 6 and how it connects.
First I decided to take advantage of the crater the exploding green monster made way back in episode 2. I decided to make an open area porch here. Well... the real reason is because monsters were able to get up in this area, I put a door here and constantly had skeletons shooting arrows at me, and I'm sure the green monsters could explode here and hurt my main home, so I sort of made a barrier by having an outside(repairable) porch here to block their way.
I next started hollowing out and filling in the back area here with wooden panels. In the interest in keeping the front more natural looking, I did not do the entire front area in wood panel. I went down to the front and thought about what I was going to do. Then I remembered the Grand Canyon, and their Sky Bridge thing they have there. So I did this:
I know that this looks crazy bad from the ground. Glass is not totally transparent in this game so it makes the front disturbing, but I don't mind it as much because in my mind it would look great in real life haha. Anyway, this is what it looks like down the steps:
The floor is made of glass, so from the safety of Fort Lookout, you can look all along the bay and watch the sun come up and observe all around. I love this room, it is very cool to stand in.
I finished my "home" and I am happy with how neat it is. It is in a great location where I do not have to worry about monsters. It has plenty of room to move around in so I am not bored at night. Its easily accessible to me, and it has kick ass views of the surrounding area. I hope you enjoyed reading my first Season, and I hope it was not too boring. Season 2 is already in the works, but it will be a while, so I will switch back to talking about other games for a while.
Season 2 coming soon: The River.
i just hafto say that i love the first season,and i will read the second season and the third if there will come one :P