Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Season 2 Ep: 6 "Minecraft: The River"

Well, my last post had some pretty crazy stuff in it. Much of it I had to redo since I lost the originals. I've been done with "season 2" for a few weeks now actually, so sometimes things get lost. Just a reminder, you can click on my photos and have a large version of it show up.

Anyway, as I was cutting this long path into the world, I realized that it looks pretty... man made.


I began clearing the water line and working my way up about 1 block up, 1 block back each time, trying to clear it and make it look better.


Finally, I think it started looking more like what is generated in the game randomly.


I began replacing all the stone with dirt, and a few creeper attacks helped me randomize the area, it began looking very nice... but something became apparent. As much time as this river was taking me, I just doubled or tripled the time involved because I'm not happy with it looking man made. My treehouse, as I discussed earlier, was rather crappy. I was tired of living in a cramped space and having to foot race the bad guys every morning. So since I liked the landscape, I made this.


I deliberately made it simple and small, I did not want to drown out the landscape, I wanted it to be a part of the landscape. It really is quite small. I took a "I found it like this" approach to the job, and decided to spiff it up with some newly constructed wooden structures.


As you can see from the dirt, I had to flatten the back yard a bit more. I constructed a wood shed and even keep raw logs back there for effect. The sides of the roof on that shed are actually wooden steps, but I thought they added character to the building. I also began with a fence, and as you can see, what I thought would be a well perhaps.


To the tower itself, I added wooden floors. It came out to be 2 solid floors with the top being a sort of closet that lead to the outside. I extended the edges with some wood so I could actually use the area out there. I lined the top with torches so I could find it easier in the dark. This felt much better than being up in a few trees at night, and it was closer to my work site. Even though both the treehouse and the tower appear in the same season, I actually spent weeks in that treehouse. I needed the change.

Next I began working on beautifying or touching up the "courtyard" as I called it. I planted some trees, went out and collected some flowers. I knew I did not like my well all that much, but I decided to put some water in it just to see if it looked better from the top of my tower. I went in to dig a hole, but the hole did not just lead to more dirt.


Apparently, just beyond where I had dug to flatten the land, the land was hollow! I knew the area around my spawnpoint was full of holes and empty mountains, but I thought I had traversed past that. No, this lead to a full on cavern under my tower!

Next Episode we go DOWN THE WELL!!!

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