I did not understand the monumental task that I had layed out before myself.
If my plan was going to come to fruition, I had to find out how far I was from the ocean. I made some fresh leather armor, I cooked some ham for the trip, shined up my tools and made my trek at dawn.
My bay had a bend in the shape up near my gravel pit mine which gave it an illusion of being continuous. In reality it was about 3 ponds that were very close together, from up high it looked like it was a river that had just been dammed by some beavers. Exploring from the farthest pond, I came upon this site:
It looked like the mouth to hell had opened up to my left. Out from the mouth was a deep and winding valley, and in the background there was this gigantic looking mountain rising out of the earth.
I made my way over lots of hills for a closer look. I ended up calling this feature "Hook Mountain". Images of a little cottage on top of hook mountain entered my head, or perhaps a sort of Fort Lookout number 2. It was underneath lookout mountain though that cemented my resolve. The valley in between had lots of sand, like it was a dry river bed. It also seemed to be low enough to perhaps be sea level.
Speaking of sea level, there was a hint of water. I hoped through an archway and kept moving, it was not long before I had found what I was looking for: an Ocean.
Its beaches were vast and its water seemed to go on for a very long time, I made sure it was not just a small lake. While exploring I saw what looked to be a chimney.
I had not kept up with where I had gone, so I thought maybe I had found an earlier explored area where I had used blocks to get a better view, but no, it turned out that this was a natural formation. I had found what I call Chimney Falls.
Once I was there, it started to turn into night, so I had to dig myself a small shelter and wait out the darkness near the falls. In the morning I would head back home and prepare for the large task at hand.
I wanted to dig a river to the ocean.
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