Season 3 Styxx
Episode 6: Nobody is Home
I wanted to start this off with a little clarification on how the Cistern looks. I made a diagram showing that all the water rushed to the middle of the area, and fell down onto a second lower area. The waterfall is even basically in the correct position:

Anyway, a short turn away from the entrance of the Cistern, and I came to a large overhanging ledge. This ledge was distinguished by the lava spewing from one wall directly onto the ledge.

To look off away from the lava, you would only see a very large darkness, and to listen you would hear the absolute freaking out of monsters from every direction. I thought the game's sound was bugged. Anyway, I slowly made my way in the dark, I dropped down from the ledge and soon saw something new:

That's a mushroom. I do not know anything real useful about them, but now I know where one is. With the amount of water nearby I could certainly understand one being here. Speaking of which, the sound of rushing water never left my ears either.

This formation was just begging me to walk out on the edge there and look down.

I walked along the edge and placed torches where I could reach, then came back to look and see what they revealed. It was not much, just a bit of water in the darkness. The edge I was on was yet another ledge, so there was no simple way to use a ladder to get down there. Instead I circled around behind it.
The never ending noise of the creatures was very loud, louder as I searched for a way down. Suddenly I heard it. Multiple arrows, multiple "uuuhhhhhh" in a frenzy. Then I saw it. There was a small hole in the floor, and in it were lots and lots of zombies and skeletons. A stray arrow had hit a zombie, and they just went nuts at each other. It was zombies vs skeletons and I was able to watch without much fuss as they killed each other. It was a sort of crazy I had never seen before.

I killed the last surviving zombie, and I jumped in the hole. Sure enough, in the back of the little pit was an entrance out to the bottom of that ledge... the water turned out to be two rivers/waterfalls meeting together in the area.

The area around the waters was just full of random cliffs and random side caves. My direction sense was maxed. I came to a large opening and saw these amazing floating boulders in the distance.

The area behind me was not yet cleared, and so I chose not to go through to the Floating Stones as I call the new area. I reversed course and began exploring more this swiss cheese of a cave that was closer to the lava. Eventually in all the chaos a found a little reward. Just one block of each.

I looked around and saw what I thought was more lava, so I dug a clearer path. Then out the side of the lava I spotted a torch. I had seen this lava before. I made a path out of the side and realized I had gone in a circle and was now back on the lava ledge where I had started.

Now I could see where I had just been, as off the ledge the area was lit by all my torches I had used. It was truly a maze of an area.

I was about to call it a day and head back to the tower, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a dark spot on the lava ledge, about 20 feet up. I got up there and found a little cave leading off in the distance. For a moment I thought I had stumbled on yet another area I had been before. I thought I saw a torch in the distance.

Only it wasn't a torch. The sounds of the monsters had once again started up, and now I realized that I had my first "dungeon".
In Minecraft there are little areas of cobblestone, with chests inside this room. In the chests are random goodies, some of which can only be found in "dungeons". In the middle of these rooms is what I had thought was a torch, but was actually a monster spawner. A little cage of fire that spits out creatures. I prepared myself for a battle!

But was let down :( there were no creatures spewing forth from this cage, and so I was able to put torches around to neutralize it. I grabbed the gun powder and iron from the chests and was about to make my way out when I realized... the floor was green. The cobble stone had a different graphic, there was moss on it! So my real treasure indeed was some decorative building material.