I was not sure what this book could do, but I was able to read the notes and findings of its former master. In his notes, he explained that it would take the knowledge that surrounded it and be able to grant grand powers to those that said the right incantations. Those incantations were jumbled in speech which I did not know. I took my diamond edged sword, placed it before the alter and recited some lines. The book swung open by itself, flipped through pages and stopped upon a holy symbol. Books on the shelves flew open and in the air, and formed in the symbol of a saint. In the distances I heard the shriek of a thousand undead, crying out in terror as they knew something had happened that will cost them dearly.
Across the blade's length were etched runes, and even though I could not read them, as my eyes moved across them I heard whisper "Hand of God" in my mind. I climbed from the secret chamber and found that outside all the villagers were coming out to see what was going on. I asked them all to go to bed, and to meet near the shore at noon, and I would have news for them.

The townsfolk gathered as I had instructed them. There, on the beach, I showed them the weapon that was given to me. They each said they too had visions of the saint in their dreams before they awoke. I told them that I had a feeling I was supposed to destroy the invaders at the other town and the palace, before they came here. I did not know if I would be coming back. Jim wished me well, John had to be restrained by his family. He wanted to go with me, claiming he had enough of farming. He said his son-in-law could take care of the family and that he would rather go in my place, enough young people had died. I said my farewells, and gave my will to Jim.
After two days travel by boat and stream, I found the town and the palace close to each other on the shores of a river. The grand arches and doors into the town had been walled up, and sure enough, at night I could see the walls guarded by legions of undead in armors and armed with weaponry. During the day, when undead were scared to come out, I looked along the wall for a place that I may put TNT and blow open a hole. As I was looking, I found something else.
A door leading down into the sewers. Maybe this would be a better way than trying to blow a hole in the wall... Reluctantly I made my way down the ladder and found myself in dark lit water.

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