Time has passed. Our Colony has been open to seafarers and explorers for a while now. Wealth has come and Jim and I are knee deep in construction. Many homes have been upgraded to stone to protect against storms from the sea and other hazards. A garrison of protectors roams the town to keep citizens safe. Our colony is known as a shining bastion of safety to all those that come to the New World.

I arrived in the reception room of the house early in the morning. There was only one name on the wall, Linda B. Johnson. The name was of no relation to anyone living in town permanently. There was also no co-habitation listings. Whoever she was, she was wealthy and she lived alone.

This stranger traveled with what Linda called "rough looking characters". He wore long robes and and set of gold glasses. He carried with him these strange orbs that pulsed and glowed. Later I would show Linda one of the Ender Eyes I had gotten from the pirates, and she confirmed that it was indeed the same kind of orb this stranger had. The stranger knew of an old temple near the colony and palace. He said that the Baron could take resources from it and continue building his palace. Indeed there would be enough even to double the size of the colony itself. The baron took this advice. Tragically, the Baron's men awakened something by desecrating the temple. One night a wave of evil swept in, slaughtering everyone. Only Linda and her husband were able to get away, due to them being on the beach. Her husband died of wounds he sustained while fighting back the evil horde while they escaped.
Her Colony was only a short journey away from our colony.
It is time to call upon all my resources.
Time for old defenders to aid me once again.
For old secrets to be called upon.
and for the weapon of the Enemy to be turned against them.
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