Episode One : The other side
Ok, I'm out of the caves and into the light. This river has got to be done, its my one project in this Minecraft world that I have to get done.
You've seen what I did before on one side of the opening of the river. This is a before and after showing the side right after I blasted the river through, and now how it looks now with my tower.
What I haven't been showing is the other side, what I see outside my doorstep.
Not very nice looking, right? Well I'm gonna fix that. I start very simply by following the contour of the land around it to make a nice gradient.
But I get impatient and realize I've been killing a lot of creepers lately, and all my gunpowder(now called sulphur) is piling up near my tower. So I grab it and set about my scheme.
I dig into the mountain.
I expertly set my explosives near sources of fire... ok that looks bad but its not bad in minecraft.
The explosives blow large holes into the hill, making it much easier to just clear the land. I fully intended to continue re-planting dirt along the edge to make a nice hill, but then I liked the look of the exposed rocks. Remember in Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring where the 2 Argos are? The big statues they pass near the end? Right beside the statues is a quarry where the artisans obviously got their material for the statues.
So I thought it would be cool to have an old exposed quarry near my tower to be sort of "the source" of the building material for it.
I want to start adding that I would appreciate comments. I still get 30-50 views a day even when I'm less active. I would really be encouraged by people leaving comments.
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