Episode 5 "A New Home part 2"
I have about 4 chests like this near the old Treehouse. I'm back here to get stone for my foundation. I am not trying to be realistic, I feel a foundation really does help in Minecraft. First, it makes sure that directly under your home is void-free, so that there is no way a creeper is going to spawn under there and blow things up without you realizing what happened. Second, stone takes the wind out of explosions as compared to dirt. So the stone helps to minimize any explosions from continuing through your home.
I'm going three deep, and actually 2 wider on each side than I expect to put flooring. Sort of an overhang with dirt on top, just extra paranoia is all. Since the bottom floor is natural stone, I will have at least 3 layers of rock under my floors no matter what substance my floor ends up being made of, typically wood.
It always surprises me how much it takes to fill in earth. I know, I know, the area equation is super simple, but come on. I'm playing a videogame, I like to guesstimate.
Once again I go back to my porch ideas. I like porches, and so that will be the first thing I build. Not a very large porch, just enough room to get out and watch the sunsets and maybe defend my home on. This is what I ended up with.
Now, the structure of it is interesting. You see that ultra thin column there? Perhaps there are people playing that do not know how I accomplished that. Non-full square construction is an innovative artform in Minecraft since it is not easy and usually involves using stuff where its not intended.
As this illustrates, I am using fence posts. I use dirt to get them the height I want, then I destroy the first block of dirt under the fence, and add another fence piece there. Eventually getting a nice looking piece of woodwork.
I went ahead and started working on the face of the house. Two windows and a door in the middle I think will work just fine. I'm going for a traditional "house" look, and I'm not going to go crazy modern in the design.
I went ahead and finished the outline of the house while I was at it too. The walls are generally done. I haven't decided on what room is what, or if I'll close up some rooms. I'll see how I feel once I have the roof up.
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