The one thing that is missing is foliage. Those cliffs always have vegetation growing on them, so I want that too so that it completes the look. I start cutting into the mountain for places I can plant things.
The idea here is to plant trees and let them grow on the side of the mountains here. Then after they grow, I will bury the trunks and sculpt the side above them to make it look like plants, not trees, have grown out of cracks in the side.
I want to get a good spread, after all, if its too much I can always trim the leaves before placing dirty around them, I just gotta hope that the trees do not get super mutant big like the one beside my tower.
I will have to wait a few days to see how all that grows in. Meanwhile I have the rest of the river to fight. Using a special tool in the last episode, I want to use more of it to clear the river now.
To get that much TNT, it means every morning I have to put up my valuable tools, grab a sword, some arrows and a bow, and actively hunt the bane of my existence. This also means I sometimes end up in precarious situations....
These guys don't read my blog, they don't want my autograph. They want to blow me up. Luckily I'm getting good at dispatching them... even when I'm left with only a torch to knock them down cliffs to their deaths.
So I go to the mouth of the river, which I haven't worked on in months. Here's a good before shot, notice the step like formation at the top of the screen for reference. The holes are what I dug for the explosives.
And, taking note of the steps like I said before, you can see the aftermath here.
Thanks for reading! leave a comment if you like what you read, I know there are several of you out there, probably not this far along yet, but I appreciate comments, they keep me posting more than the statistics page ever could.
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